Posted by Ulla from on July 10, 2000 at 17:03:03:
In Reply to: OK, here's the question... posted by Shishak on July 09, 2000 at 22:42:26:
Superb topic, Shishak.
Last year in English, I wrote a five paragraph essay whose topic was the appropriately called "Suave Evil".
I demonstrated my struggle of who is good vs. bad using various assigned movie characters, plus my choice of none other than Reingold in the novel "Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth".
My last paragraph went as follows:
"Literally ‘bad to the bone’ all his life, Rudolf Reingold was actually a hero in his hometown Germany; his occupation as a captain in the Leibstandarte SS, or Adolf Hitler’s personal guard, brought him much glory. All these [referring to the "evil characters"] smooth talking and walking vipers slinked in and striked, contaminating the lives of others, if only briefly. Those few, those intriguing few, the ones with the schemes, these masterminds of mischief, yet incorrectly placed under a “Bad” heading is what they all were. As Shakespeare’s fair Juliet said in Act II, scene ii of his famous tragedy; “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” "
(I got 210 points out of 200, for some odd reason, considering my topic was rather 'shady' and unclear......<:-)