Posted by Raza from on July 27, 1998 at 19:56:52:
In Reply to: Re: saving private ryan is toooooooo violent, why should this be at the top of the oscar list posted by cari gastwirth on July 22, 1998 at 19:49:56:
Hey Cari,
Are you ill in some sort, yes the titanic was a tradegy, but WW2 was deadly and should be told in full detail. Personally Titanic is not a good movie, the true story of the Titanic is, the movie is just a true Hollywood movie with the typical love story and all that shit. Private Ryan is a movie with a meaning, it has a message, I saw it and sat there after the end thinking of what just bombarded me. Titanic can lick my ass, Private Ryan is a movie that should be praised as one of the best movies of the decade, Titanic my dear, can hit another iceberg and no one will notice because this movie Private Ryan will stick in people's minds for a long time, not some 100 million special effect bonanza!