Posted by Michaelson from on July 28, 1998 at 07:16:20:
In Reply to: Re: Fedora as ABNER ? posted by INDIANA GJR on July 24, 1998 at 13:01:45:
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: : : : : : The actor who played the unkown archaeologist in LC wich I belive is the first time Indy met Abner Ravenwood who took a liking to Indy and gave Indy his hat.
: : : : : Wow, you think "Fedora" is Abner Ravenwood? Interesting theory! Well, first of all, it couldn't be any of those guys mentioned before, because if it was indeed a flashback, he wouldn't be 60 or 70 years old! He would most likely be in his 40's. What about Tommy Lee Jones? That would ~rule~, in my opinion. I would do anything to see him in any Indy film. But anyway, I sort of think that this may happen (the appearance of Abner in a film), because of the fact that although Indy attended the University of Chicago on the tv series, Abner Ravenwood never showed up or was even mentioned. It seemed like he should have been a regular on the show. But perhaps George Lucas didn't want to have one actor on the show and then have to recast the same exact part in the movie-considering that cast of the show was basically all unknowns and the movies of course feature well-known actors.
: : : : Tommy Lee Jones is a great action actor and would fit in somewhere in a Indy movie. If fedora was Abner he would have to be about the same relative a Indy in raders between 30-35 to have a daughter the age of Marion- actualy who knows anybodies age in the movies?
: : : : Gary
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: : : In my opinion, the man who gave young Indy the fedora would be the perfect Abner . I think it would be pretty cool to work off Last Crusade knowing how Indy met Abner. The man who gave Indy the Fedora seemed very much like Indy and it would make so much scence. Age and other flaws of fitting the charachters together could easily be worked into the movie by Speilberg. Later,
: : : G.J.R.
: : One thing, though. Considering the man's unethical handling of the Cross of Coronado, and his crew's destructive handling of the archeological area in the cave, do you think Indy would want to study under such an individual, considering Indy's convictions? Just a thought. Regards. Michaelson
: Michaelson,
: Yes i did take that into consideration. First up, the man who gave young Indy the fedora basically was doing the same thing which Indiana Jones has been doing through out his adventures which was capturing ancient artifacts for either the goodness of having them put into the muesium or making deals with the chineese mafia to capture the remains of Nerhotchi(excuse the spelling)I'm not saying that was exactly what the man with the fedora did but in the same scence Indiana Jones was looked at by some in the Temple Of Doom as a grave robber. You and i both now that wasnt the case but there is two sides to every coin. How i see it is that Indy idolized the man with the fedora because if he didnt, he would of never took the fedora from him and probably kicked him where it hurts.You can even see the similar charachteristics between Indy and the man with the fedora. Its just my opinion and it makes sence to me. I hope it does to you. Take care,
: G.J.R. (P.S., Everything came out great, thanks)
Interesting points you have. So you're saying that "Panama Hat" in Last Crusade was sort of a dark Marcus Brody, eh? We know he isn't exactly the Brody type considering the told the men on the ship to throw him overboard. Or Panama Hat was comparable to our evil Lao Chi in Temple, just trading for an item, and to heck with the antiquities agreements between countries. Most interesting. I think it could bear more expansion of the storyline, because all we're give is what we've seen on the screen, that being Indy's convictions that item(s) should be in a museum, and not in the hands of individuals. And as we both know, folks ideas a lot of times get jaded as we get older, and certain beliefs get "twisted" around to support what we're doing at the time, such as Indy trading the ashes for the diamond at Club Obi Wan. The question I asked was, considering that his college days would have only been a few years off from the beginnng of Last Crusade, and if we couple it with YIJC's discussion of his years from ag 16 on, we must include the Mexican Revolution and WWI, did he become jaded so quickly to accept "Fedora" as an instructor, i.e. Abner? Maybe, maybe not. It's all conjecture, right? I like your arguments. They hold a lot of items to mull over. Maybe Indy just liked his hat, too. Thanks for sharing your ideas with me. I'll keep those in mind. Regards. Michaelson