Posted by graml from on July 18, 2000 at 07:40:41:
The other day at lunch, I strolled over to my alma mater, Christopher Newport University. (For those of you who do not have the advantage in Latin, "alma mater" means "place where I spent way yonder too much money") In the library, they have a display that tries to encapsulate the twentieth century (remember the twentieth century?). So there's a picture from WWII, a model of the Wright Brothers' plane, a few copies of the most influencial books of the 20th century (oddly enough, "Go Dog Go" is not included!) and right there on the top shelf is...drum roll please...A PICTURE OF CHEVY CHASE! Oh yeah, and a copy of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Pretty cool, eh? Looks like we aren't the only weir...uh...I mean people who think that Indy is one of the 20th century's most important icons. I know you folks were hoping for more of a climax than that, but I'm afraid I can't offer you one. Anyone else find Indy showing up in unlikely places? If you say the shower, you are going to be disqualified!