Posted by Wonderer from on July 21, 2000 at 00:19:36:
Is it just me or does Harry's newest film, What Lies Beneath, look like a total box office tank? I just can't see him in a horror/suspsense setting. Why in the hell would he pick this film considering the vast amounts projects undoubtably available today. At least his current co-star (michelle pfieffer) is closer to his own age(42according to E-Online-yeah right;).
BTW, do you guys(and gals) really think Indy 4 is more than just a pipe dream? Even if they do try to make the film in 3 or 4 years, Harry will look so old and down-trodden that it would be a laughable film at best. He looked so elderly in Last Crusade, it was hard to swallow - only the tank sequence kept my interest. I know what your thinking, Clint Eastwood has made action films recently and what about Sean Connery. Well, Clint has not tried to recapture the Sergio Leone "Man with no name" character in quite some time. And as far as Sean goes he looked like total shit in Emtrapment. (Did any of you catch the knighting on CNN? Bond is now nearly totally BALD!!)And besides, there is always some type of angle to describe why an old geezer is still trying to act like a 25 year old, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth for any story with a over-the-hill actor in the lead. They should retire to bad-guy status like he did in the Avengers.
I say let sleeping dogs lie, and don't tarnish the memory and feeling of the other three films with a fourth. Besides, Speilberg and Lucas always said these films were intended to be an homage to the serials of the forties and fifties. If you guys want great cliffhanger action movies, visit your local video store and rent the originals.
At any rate, at this stage in Ford's career, if Indy gets revisited, he undoubtably will want to expand on the character and give him more feelings and weaknesses. WHY?!? This character is 2 dimentional through and through; he was written that way from the start - and it worked. Last Crusade reminds me of a crappy spin off TV series of a successful sitcom, what with all the backround origin jazz. These are boyhood fantasy thrill movies, don't f#ck up their memory.
The Wonderer