Posted by Inbanana Jones from on July 25, 2000 at 01:49:38:
Pondering 1959 and the real-world context of Indy's next flick, ahem, adventure; possibly Our Hero will find himself in one of these situations???
*50,000 year old Neanderthal found in Shanidar Cave, Iraq.
*First controlled archaeological excavations begun at Petra, Jordan.
*8,000 year old subterranean bull-worship temple found at Catal Huyuk, Turkey.
*Louis and Mary Leakey uncover fossil Zinjanthropus in East Africa.
*William Libby perfects C-14 radiocarbon dating; receives Nobel Prize for it in 1960.
*Ancient "computer" ca. 65 BC, used for calculating planetary positions (possibly antikythera mechanism, armillary sphere, clepsydra, or typanum, source unclear), discovered in Mediterranean Sea.
*Burned and pillaged Maya city of Aguateca discovered by man out monkey shooting.
*Thurston Shaw digs at Nigerian village of Igbo, finds medieval tomb of priest-king, interred in seated position, surrounded by such fancy objects as elephant tusks and a bronze leopard skull.
*Zimbabwe town of Ingombe Ilede (late first millenium AD) discovered, with data such as gold burial furniture evidence of extensive African-Arab trade networks.
*Joint Yale-UPenn expedition organized to perform emergency and salvage archaeology in Egypt prior to construction of Aswan Dam. Results in movement and reconstruction of famed temple Abu Simbel.
And of course in 1964, adventurer and Indy inspiration Gene Savoy locates Chachapoyan city of Gran Pajaten, on rainforested eastern slopes of Andes, town conquered by Sapa Inca Tupac Yupanqui in 15th century.
In 1980 inspired Lucas-Spielberg team to place Indy here.
Still, my vote is for the '47 Roswell crash...