Posted by Donovan from on July 27, 2000 at 22:06:08:
In Reply to: Indy figure pics. posted by Canadiana Jones. on July 27, 2000 at 21:58:12:
my girlfriend has an account with a website/email zone called '' - I mostly use it for posting pics of things I'm selling on ebay. The site is girl-centric, so I'm not sure if they'd have given me an account if I went and signed up under my name but who knows.
I currently have a work in progress up that's Indy-related - a cardback for the Jock figure I hope to make one day (when I stop being lazy and start using the miliput I've got sitting around). It's really weak, I spent about 15 minutes on it, just messing around. Look:
I'm going to change the pic to a shot of him in the cockpit instead, The figure will come with his pet snake Reggie.
See you - Donovan
: Well I got my German soldier figure today which I'm now displaying with Indy. I'd like to take some pictures of them but have nowhere to stick the files. Someone suggested a image hosting site and I looked into it but it looked pretty complicated to set up.
: Anyone willing to host the files somewhere if I mail some to you?
: Canadiana Jones