Re: Who else agrees Ford's not too old?

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Posted by Jeff from on July 30, 1998 at 19:43:17:

In Reply to: Who else agrees Ford's not too old? posted by Tommy K on July 30, 1998 at 18:22:27:

: All this crap about Harrison Ford being to old to play Indy again is simply just that. If he can put up good fights in AFO in his midfifties like Indy in Raiders, he can still stick it to someone even if Indy IV comes out in five years (or less, I hope). Anyone who's seen 6,7 knows he's in wonderful physical condition. Ford adds depth to Indy, and just his prescence in a fight scene wells up an adrenaline rush. Just as we can only imagine Sean Connery as James Bond, I can only imagine Harrison Ford as Indy. A penny for anyone else's thoughts.
Consider this: Stallone and Swartzenegger are considered by some as the prime action stars and they've been doing this stuff for years. They are also in their fifties but it looks like they might call it quits for the action schtick. Harrison Ford can continue to pull this stuff off for as long as he wants to for one very good reason: because it hurts.
Harrison Ford is a self-proclaimed REAL actor. What this means is that everything he does on the screen is real. He acts as little as possible. Every character he plays has some elements of his own personality and every time you look at Indiana Jones, or Han Solo or Jack Ryan, there is a little bit of Harrison Ford looking back. He has said this in various interviews and I believe him. The characters Mr. Ford plays usually have another thing in common: they don't want to be mixed up in trouble, that stuff hurts. This reluctance makes the moviegoing experience seem more real. I personally don't have the guts to jump from waterfalls, dodge lasers with a grimace on my face, or be dragged from behind a moving truck, yet I'd like to think that I would do it if I had no other choice despite the consequences. When Indy/Mr.Ford groans before he gets in another fight, it's because in reality, it hurts. Mr. Ford will tell you just how bruised his ribs were from being dragged behind the Nazi Truck.
Yet he still did it. He knows how much it hurts playing Dr. Jones, yet sometimes it's also fun. Once Mr. Ford accepts a project, he goes to work with no excuses and gets the job done. Since he said he would play Indy again "in a New York minute" than I guess that means he feels up to the challenge again and can handle it just fine.

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