Posted by Ravenwood from on August 08, 2000 at 21:19:26:
In Reply to: For all - yes, even you "nobody"! posted by Patterson on August 08, 2000 at 20:04:18:
Patterson. You have always been very helpful with everyone when they have had questions on indy related things. I, and many others in this forum are very plesed you have decided to continue to be a regular in this forum. I appreiciate all the hard work you have put into gaining knowledge which you have shared with us all. I think you researching the specifications of the jacket was gutsy and very informative, I am very glad you did it. The indyfan forum without Patterson would be like Cheers without Norm, or Indiana Jones without Harrison Ford. In a nut shell, incomplete the forum would be. So thank you Patterson for all your hard work. The forum needs you, and hopfully you're here to stay. Take care,