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Posted by tim roop from cafe3.beachin.net on August 04, 1998 at 15:25:09:
In Reply to: Re: Saving Private Ryan - ALTERED HISTORY posted by tim roop on August 04, 1998 at 15:07:20:
: : my 3 uncles were at omaha beach, on the 6th of june 1944. all 3 were with the 29th division. the "blue and grey" division. you probably saw the shoulder patch. the battle scenes were as vivid as could be portrayed of the "dog green" sector. hanks even reffered to the area as, "dog 1". the actual military code was: "d-1 draw". the casualties there were the highest of d-day. A-company 116th infantry of bedford, virginia, within the first 15 minutes of landing, 96%. here 3 pair of brothers were killed. parker, wade and hoback. i know lucille bogess of bedford. her 2 brothers earl and bedford hoback, never returned home. the uniforms were to the t! the rangers were wearing the correct m-38 jackets and gear. the airborne troops were wearing the correct m-42 jump uniforms. with t-handled entrenching tools. i myself was a member of the 82nd airborne. showing a unit holding a bridge over the merderet river with just a handful of men was typical for the airborne. the 82nd and 101st were scattered all over normandy! the part where it showed the paras droping moletov cocktails isn't far from the truth either. i don't know if anyone in the 101st did this in normandy, however, in the 82nd. o.b. hill of the 508th para regt. did this to a passing tank. he and a buddy were upstairs in a house. when i saw this, "rightaway" i thought of o.b. hill.
i had other uncles in the war also. my fathers brother, john preston roop was a sgt. with the 5th marine regt. at new britain island in the pacific. he was killed during the action at cape gloucester. the movie"saving pvt ryan", was also a true story. or "parts" of it. the real guys name i think was "miland". he was a sgt in the 101st airborne. one brother was killed with the 101st. another was killed with the 4th div. at utah beach. the other was killed a week prior in burma. i guess the names were changed so "spielberg wouldn't have to pay any royalties. oh, something else. the dead airborne general in the horsa glider. this happened also. he was the assistant division commander of the 101st airborne. his real name was: brig. general donald f. pratt. the first u.s. general killed in the normandy campaign.
spielberg wasn't that far off. i have been to normandy many times. i have the maps my uncle carried on d-day. i have several friends there. i will be there next year on the 6th of june.
and if the u.s. hadn't been there, "montgomery would probably still be trying to take caen!
: : Well Hollywood's done it again but at a more costly level. ANOTHER thoughouly American film about American Soldiers who won World War II. Ofcourse the ignorant Speilburg has once again altered true history to spread and brainwash the younger gernerations. I am a 19 yr old Canadian who had many realtives on the front lines all over Europe and I am sickened by Speilburg's lack of history and utter disrespect to the many others from other countries who fought in this war. It was not a war for the American type of freedom but world freedom and I am tired of Hollywood putting out these terrible pictures with Americans running the show and saving the world. At least Speilburg when dealing with world history can lower his flag for a bit and think of all the others from other countries who died. All I am saying is that Hollywood has a responsibility to show all aspects of history not the distored, unclear one they are teaching people right now. And by the way American joined both wars 2yrs late and were not as big of factor in the victories over oppression that Speilburg and Hollywood would have u believe.
: : Please e-mail me with any comment on the subject, like to hear your view point