Posted by Michaelson from on August 17, 2000 at 10:25:02:
In Reply to: Noel Howard? posted by Indiana Valdez on August 17, 2000 at 00:41:33:
: Say, did I hear I little while back that Noel Howard supplied the tie for the movie? And that he was going to make it available in his Indy clothing line-up pretty soon?
: : : I recently re-watched "Last Crusade" and noticed that Indy wears that tie through at least half the movie (until he ends up in Berlin and gets Hitler's autograph in the Grail Diary). I think it looks charcoal grey, but I guess it's black. Either way, it doesn't match the brown earthtones of the rest of his outfit, but that doesn't really matter; a real man mismatches his clothes. (Right now I'm wearing a seersucker sportcoat with plaid Sansabelt slacks.) I'm relatively new to this; are there any explanations? I checked Indy Gear, as I always do before posting questions that may seem silly, but there was just a description of it. Was he going formal for a reason?
: : : And what about his socks? (Just kidding about those.)
: : : Hurry, I can't sleep until I know.
: : : Your kinder and gentler Cueball
: : In 1938, a man driving across Europe in a sports car with a beautiful woman wore a tie. It's not until he gets to Iskendrun that Indy is without the tie. Look at all the serials from that time. Practically everyone is wearing a tie and a fedora, unless they're in some kind of costume, like Spysmasher or Captain Marvel. Normal wear right up till the early Sixties really. Now you can get some sleep.
: : Cheers!
: : Ellison