Posted by Defraan from on August 19, 2000 at 09:12:33:
In Reply to: Indy 4 news: Portman wants to be Indy's daughter? posted by Jack Shannon on August 18, 2000 at 20:01:58:
: This rumor,over at coming attractions, says that Natalie Portman, of SW episode 1 fame, has approoached Lucas and asked him if she could play Indiana Jones's daughter in the next film. Is this good news or bad news....
Definetly bad news. There was the great idea to include Sean Connery as Indy´s dad and he played his role excellent.
But that -is- enough. It should be unique.
(Attention! Sarcasm below. No offense.)
Why they searching for antoher storyline? If they´re (S/L/F) going this way, then the tagline for Indy4 should be: "If sitcom has a name, it must be Indiana Jones" or something like that. Why they do not even include his grandfather, uncle, neighbours, relatives ,pets,
the childs of the relatives and his lost evil brother... you get the idea. And bla bla blubb bla...