storyline checklist

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Posted by walker from on August 05, 1998 at 15:24:23:

I've been considering building a list of Indy collectables but wanted to find out if there was any interest in my actually posting it - mainly because the focus on what I collect is pretty narrow. I don't collect whatever comes out with Indy's name on it (there are Young Indiana Jones Dixie Cups, for god's sake!). What I do collect are licensed storylines.

What this means is that I collect every Indiana Jones book, short story, script, comic, magazine, etc. which has been approved of by George Lucas or his legal staff and which presents an original Indiana Jones adventure. I do this simply because I enjoy reading the stories and that's about it. I do not collect duplicate stories. For example, I won't bother to buy every version of book published about IJ and the Temple of Doom. The original paperback is fine. I have no need for the various children's editions, Japanese editions, etc...

I include roleplaying products in this category, as the storylines are usually pretty good, and the products have been licensed by Lucas. Many of these a lot of folks have never heard of. For example - Indiana Jones and the Curse of Hecate is a solitaire board game that came out in a magazine about a year ago. Indy Jones and the Temple of Seth was an adventure written for the West End Games roleplaying game, and appeared in a low print run gaming magazine about 2 years ago.

I also collect original stories from overseas - British, German, and French publishers have been my main source, to date. Why these haven't been translated where needed and released over here I'll never know.

Anyways, if enough people are interested in having access to this list, I'll put it together and maybe there can be a place for it on the Indyfan page. Hopefully, somebody can use it to point me in the direction of things I've missed as well.

Let me know,

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