Posted by Michaelson from on August 23, 2000 at 19:56:56:
In Reply to: Raiders screening in Atlanta : Something I noticed posted by Matt Walker on August 23, 2000 at 16:35:02:
: I went to the Raiders screening at the fox, which is like a 5 minute walk from here at Georgia Tech, and I was amazed. There was so much little stuff I never noticed on the videotape or laserdisc that I did in the theatre. Really minor stuff like faces Harrison makes. One thing I noticed in particular that I thought might interest some of you and that I think is probably too small to see on tape, but on the palm side of Indy's glove near the wrist u can read the letters LAM. Now I am not making this up to justify my gloves because I own a pair of the midwest in fact, but I am almost certain I saw LAM(as in wells Lamont) when Indy was laying on the ground looking down into the well of souls. Of course I cant prove it cuz I dont have a 35mm print but if anybody ever goes to see it on the big screen look for it, its when Sallah says "Asps, very dangerous, you go first."
: Matt
Could have been. Both MidWest and Wells Lamont have been standard grip orders for Paramount and other studios for years. Regards. Michaelson