Posted by Ulla from on August 24, 2000 at 01:01:28:
In Reply to: All right, clean it up. This is a family forum posted by Cueball on August 23, 2000 at 22:44:57:
Are you related by some odd, alien, rare, unique, (etc.) chance?
You talk to graml, Cueball like he was your brother (!!).
Anywho, I didn't mean that "You are too much" in a suggestive way, but more like that interesting saying; "He ain't a ham...he's the whole pig!"
(I wonder if the sock-monkey's-owner-who-lives-in-the-south invented that sentence)
(This may sound sentimental, but I honestly don't know what I'd do had it not been for these interesting nims that annoy others and yet amuse us just the same. Food for thought...or is it thoughts for food??:-)