Posted by Max from on August 08, 1998 at 12:45:34:
In Reply to: new forum posted by Bordok on August 08, 1998 at 05:53:50:
: Hello
: I'm working on a new Indy site and it's very close to release.
: First I'm gonna use a temp. message board, but soon after release I might get a new message board. It's really great and user friendly. It's one forum, but it has several forums inside it. It could have sections for movies, games, collectibles...
: It always shows what messages have been posted since your last visit... you can register and you get your own password so no one else can use your nickame...
: It's really great
: I'd like to know what you think about it. Do you think it would be a good idea?
: If the site gets enough visitors I'll get the board. The site will located on a domain btw.
: I'm asking you this because the board costs $150 and I don't want to invest in it if you guys are not interested
I'm down! It would be great to have another forum and as you pointed
out it is handy to have a user friendly operation system and different
subjects for the forums. Especially for new forum quests the subjects
are good. So I'd be another regular visitor to your forum.