Posted by Sean from on August 09, 1998 at 04:36:33:
When I was making room on a video tape last night to (ahem) tape the A&E Spielberg bio, I came across 2 programs I'd taped YEARS ago about the making of Raiders. In one segment of the show which aired in 1981/1982, it shows a partial fight scene between the Cairo Swordsman and Indy, apparently as scripted. They're also great shows for seeing costumes and props in a different light, and a lot of really cool behind the scenes stuff...I know for a fact that they are both available on home video, one program is called "The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark," and the other one is hosted by Harrison Ford, and called "Epic Stunts. The Making of..." or something to that effect...Well worth the hunt to track down.
Finally, a question: I have a black and white copy of the Marvel comics adaptation of Last Crusade, bound in one volume. Does anyone know if it's available in colour, or in different issues like the Raiders comic? Thanks.