Posted by Patterson from on September 08, 2000 at 12:40:02:
I’m not much into watches; so let me compare the jackets out there to my favorite cars. Maybe this will speak to a few of you as well?
I look at the Flight Suits jacket vs. the Wested this way. Do you want the V6 Mustang or do you really want the V8 Cobra Mustang? Before you start slamming me for using this comparison for the Wested, REMEMBER I’VE OWNED SEVERAL WESTEDS! I DO HAVE AN EDUCATED BASIS FOR WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! Be prepared, because I’m going to call the Wested “cheap”. It is intentional, because it is my belief that it is a “cheaper” jacket. Again, look at the all-caps, above. Sorry, I had to get that out first.
There is nothing wrong with going for the cheaper model - it will serve a different purpose, will meet some needs better then the top of the line model, and you will place different expectations upon it. But for some, there is no substitute for the top of the line model. It is a narrower audience that tends to be less sensitive to price and more picky about the details and performance. That's what this jacket is.
Buy a Wested and get your feet wet. Buy a bunch of them and be happy for the rest of your life – there is nothing wrong with you. But if you’ve ever owned that V6, and have had the Cobra pull up next to you at the light and cracked just a hint of a smile, well… If you fall into this category, then before you buy the second Wested, think to yourself – boy, for the price of these two jackets I could have bought the Flight Suits jacket. Maybe you’ll sit tight for a bit. There is nothing wrong with you either.
This is a very big sandbox, and there is a lot of room for all of to play nicely with each other. The folks with the Disney hats have learned to coexist with the Herbert Johnson crowd. The jacket crowd needs to take the same stance.
Look at the whip market. There is nothing wrong with either the David Morgan or the Mark Allen whips. Some of you are dropping $600 on a whip, and just how much use are you going to get out of that?
Oh, well – my detractors will say I’m becoming tedious.
I'll make a deal with all of you - don't slam my Cobra for being a gas hog, and I won't call you V6 a grocery-getter. Deal?
PS - Due to recent criticisms of the evolving nature of the forum, and the unwillingness to put email addresses on posts, I am choosing to put my email address on posts going forward. If I slip and omit it at some point, it's more then likely due to too much coffee.