Posted by graml from on September 11, 2000 at 12:14:10:
In Reply to: Am I the only one angry? posted by Micah on September 11, 2000 at 11:40:00:
Why is Indy getting so little respect? I got over the whole renaming Raiders/Temple first thing pretty easily, but if they fail to release these last few YIJC tapes, I'm going to be steamed. Let's face it: YIJC wasn't a very popular series. Did Paramount think it was magically going to become a huge money-maker when it was released on video? Apparently they did. I'd accept the few videos they've already released if only they hadn't painted themselves into a corner with that screwy numbering system. Someday, I'd like to show my decendants the Complete Adventures of Indiana Jones; not the Patchwork Adventures of Indiana Jones plus a Few Episodes I Was Smart Enough to Record Back in 92!