Posted by Adam from on September 12, 2000 at 02:20:39:
In Reply to: Indy 4 news from Hollywood [Possible Spoiler] (Pessimists don't read this.) posted by Canadiana jones on September 11, 2000 at 23:21:32:
"Indy going after the one that got away." (The Fertility idol)
: Personally I don't think that would be the main focus of the movie maybe a side quest at the begining of the movie?
Interesting news... Hmm... Did this person in question specifically say it was the Idol, perchance?
Think about it: there are so many things it could be. If it's in reference to another item (person?) from a previous adventure, then it's debateable, as EVERYTHING Indy has gone after -- with the exception of the Cross of Coronado of CRUSADE -- ended up out of his hands. Consider:
RAIDERS has two possibilities, at least in terms of treasures:
THE IDOL, sure, is a neat possibility, and would be a cool intro to lead in INDY IV. It's a fair assesment. But remember, that was already covered in an issue of MARVEL COMICS' series (subsequently made into one of TSR's games) -- though that alone would hardly be enough to stop Lucas & co. from including.
THE ARK. Now, THAT would be cool. Sure, maybe it's a bit redundant, but what if it were stolen? Or a US government official took it for his own nefarious purposes?
The Sankara Stones seem unlikely objects for Indy to go after again, as he willingly gave them up for the benefit of the villagers.
As it would seem a tad silly to have a new movie continue on the very same quest as where the last film ended, not to mention that leaving the Grail to "rest" was a significant story arc, I don't think this would be likely.
However, in referring to "the one that got away", it is -- however much a stretch -- that the phrase could be suggestive of a person ("the one WHO got away"?), and in that case, Indy's reteaming with Marion would be my strongest guess.
CONCLUSION: I am always skeptical of such news, particularly since it is often rendered ambiguous. I am not directing these comments as a personal backlash on the post-writer, yet I think many would agree that such news -- as we've heard through MANY other postings, web sites, and rumour mills -- should be taken with at least a grain of salt. I myself have had similar experiences, learning of information on the development of this film for over three years now, through conversations with producers, executives, writers, and (yes) people directly associated with the creation of the INDIANA JONES films (though I will admit that these direct contacts were very very limited on their comments), and as a result, I think I've learned to tame my excitement and desire to immediately jump to conclusions. I did it before in the past, and it did no good. Let us not be too presumptuous, while at the same time, try to be optimistic in that INDY IV will rock our world sometime soon. I remember reading an earlier draft of the script back in 1997, and I foolishly wanted to tell everyone about it. Fortunately, I didn't; and now that new talent has been announced in working on the property, it's very likely that what I had read so long ago will never see the light of day. (Just as well, though I thought that treatment was damn good, and had a lot of possibilities, even if it was flawed and needed some reworking.)
It's funny, as the internet now has SO much news being posted on an hourly basis, sometimes the constant speculation may ultimately do more harm than good. (Consider the infamous Harvey Keitel rumor with EYES WIDE SHUT, which was given credence in even very respected publications; when the film was released, it proved the rumour was a lie after all.) I think Micah's done a good job in using his better judgement in running his site, as he chooses NOT to post on every little tad gossip, as other sites do. It gives this more credibility than, say, the endless speculation surrounding every STAR WARS tidbit. Sure, all this gossip is fun, but rarely does it serve a purpose.
This is just my general comment to the whole internet-rumor mill phenomenon, and while it's not directed solely to Canadia (believe it or not, I think he/she is valuable to the forum, and I'm not trying to pick on him/her), I do think that, while my suggestions may be deemed by Canadia as pessimistic, they are really designed to be REALISTIC. And just as anyone has the right to post a comment, rumor, or unsubstantiated piece of news, we the community have just as might right to react to it -- be it with enthusiasm, sarcasm...or skepticism.