Posted by Indy's Girl from on September 12, 2000 at 15:31:20:
Yes, you read that right: I did say the moon. Return of the Jedi quote. But that's beside the point. Harrison Ford is here on Indyfan, posting under a crazy pseudonym just like the rest of us. And only I know who he is. How do I know? Well, simple, really. I am the greatest living expert in the world on all things Harrison Ford. It took me a couple months before I realized, hey, this person seems--familiar, somehow. So...who is he? Is he reading this right now? He knows. I know. You don't know. And it's going to drive you crazy until you do. But I'm going to let that shocking news sink in, and have you all fester over it for a while, before I reveal his identity.
BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!