Posted by Spatsman from on September 13, 2000 at 06:44:18:
In Reply to: Wested details and The Peter Bros. Shop posted by Spatsman on September 13, 2000 at 06:01:43:
: Well gang,
: I said hello a few months back, and I have lurked ever since. In
: That time I have learned the depths passion can drive one too, especially in the arena of accuracy. I'll say this...after all the hat fights and jacket confrontations, I've come to the conclusion that you folks have a real love for a character that represented everything we like our heroes to be. I can't fault you for that, I love him, too.
: ...sniff...I love you guys, man!
: (putting beer down)...Anyway, I have some questions concerning what a customer can reasonably expect from Wested when it comes to jacket details...
: Patterson, if you don't have the energy to answer, that's alright, you've done your bid for king and country...
: Those of you who have done business with Wested might be able to help
: 1.) Will Wested lengthen the sidestraps?
: 2.) Will Wested reinforce the sidestraps?
: 3.) Will Wested replace the D-rings with rectangular ones?
: 4.) Will Wested move the sidestraps higher, to the midpoint of the handwarmer slits?
: 5.) I read that Wested WILL line the collar with leather upon request, will they also put a metal zipper on the interior pocket?
: 6.) Can you recieve a Wested in the cowhide with the lambskin finish that is only slightly predistressed, so that one doesn't end up with a jacket more tan then chocolate in color?
: If they can and will apply the above requests to the jacket, is this not a solution to the more accuracy-minded?
: I had to ask. As a change of topic, if you find yourself wondering about Peter Bros and their quality, even after all the positive posts concerning their product, I'll share this with you.
: I was wanting a good high-crowned fedora, tan, to go with my trenchcoat back in 1989. Fedoras weren't that big of a demand, so I found myself haunting older privatly-owned menwear shops. In North Texas the subject of hats will invariably turn toward quality felt western hats, and Peter Bros. was mentioned time and again.
: Finally, I went to their shop...felt like I had time-traveled to the early 20's. While gazing at bell-crown top hats and stiff bowlers, a young woman walked in. She complimented the owner on his fine wares, especially the cowboy hats for which the place is famed, and then went completely off the subject and asked if a royal purple wide-brimmed porkpie was even possible. The gentleman behind the counter smiled, and asked if she wanted The Jokers Hat from Tim Burtons Batman. She nodded and giggled, and he responded that he could also provide the black, more conservative porkpie Nicholson wore as Napier, and he had a couple of purple felts to choose from.
: Astonished, the young lady confessed she was surprised that he had those kinds of colors. The good hatmaker assured her that the canary-yellow fedora he had provided earlier that month to a Dick Tracy fan had been no problem. Later, when he was finished with that delighted young lady, he wandered over toward me and asked if he could help somehow. He did help, and he will continue to in the future as long as my wallet holds out. Joe is a good man from a good family with a great product. I'm The Spatsman, and I'm a customer.