Posted by bud-arc from on September 17, 2000 at 01:06:25:
Hi, my name is Steven Diliberto. I am a budding archaeologist. Why do I want to be an archaeologist, you ask? Because I thought it might be cool, kinda like Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones was an archaeologist, see, but he wasn't exactly real. He's what you call a "fictional character." Which sounds pretty prejudice to me. I mean, how do we know he's not real? Harrison Ford is real. George Lucas is real. Steven Spielberg is real. The state of Indiana is real. There are some real people named Jones. Those are some pretty high stakes there. Anyway, let me continue with my story. Indy is an archy, right? So how come archaeologists of today make a point of thrashing (for you young'uns, the word would be "dissing") him, and the movies that were created after him? Don't they know that archaeology used to be that way, back in the 1800's through the early 1900's? So technically, there was nothing wrong with the time frame that the Indiana Jones flicks were portrayed in. I mean, it's a whole other thing together if Indy were placed in the late 20th century, and treasure hunting, right? So why do archaeologists take the fun out of the movies? And why are they so damned pseudo-intellectual today? I mean, it just makes me sick! It's one thing to use highly-technological methods of dating finds, but it's another thing to suck out the life of archaeology by proclaiming it "strictly scientific." For example, there's this idiot by the name of Brian M. Fagan who writes an introductory book on archaeology, and in the first sentence makes the point that "archaeology is NOTHING like the Indiana Jones films." I mean, is that really necessary? He then goes on to say that it is "a strict science" that has no basis in adventure or anything whosoever. Basically, what he's saying is that it's boring crap for old fossils who get horny off of old relics. I say, that's no way to start off a book. Granted, archaeology isn't as romanticized in real life as it is in motion pictures (well, it COULD be), but surely adventure has always had a firm root in archaeology! I mean, where would we be without the swashbuckling heroes of the past, who made their living off of studying ancient cultures by "stealing" their artifacts? Anyway, my point is to say that I'm a budding young archaeologist who thrives on the fact that archaeology CAN be fun and CAN be adventurous, and is NOT only for old farts who practice in boring techniques and nothing else. Remember my name, my friends, for, if I succeed, I will hopefully become a big name in the archaeology of tomorrow. Because, isn't that what all archaeologists-to-be dream of; making a difference in this world, by whatever means necessary?
P.S. The whole point of this rant was to officially bring back the lost art of NIMing. That is, writing pointless messages on the Indyfan forum which don't pertain to anything in particular. Thank you for reading. And if your name is Micah and you are planning on deleting this message, please go screw yourself If not, kindly disregard that last sentence.