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Posted by Mithrandir from ppp-207-193-29-187.snantx.swbell.net on August 16, 1998 at 15:22:15:
In Reply to: Re: Indy in Middle-Earth via ??? posted by Elendil on August 16, 1998 at 15:17:49:
: : I know quite a few of us out there in the forum (Aragorn, Elendil, and myself spring to mind - if there are others, go ahead and make yourselves known) would LOVE to see an Indy+Middle-Earth movie, or maybve even a book. But, how could we get him to Middle-Earth? Gandalf summons a warrior? Indy jumps through the pages of the book? Revealed as Tom Bombadil? Looking for creative, yet serious sugeestions, puh-lease.
: I'm very sorry, but I have to disagree with you. There have been as many Tolkien movie rumors flying around as there have been Indy IV. I believe that if a Middle-Earth movie does get produced, it should be pure, unadulterated Tolkien. Word by word with the book, NO changes made whatsoever. I know that's nearly impossible, but that's what I want. I wish someone would pay me to make the movies, and then I'd be sure it would be true to the books. I also frown on the idea of Indy going to Middle-Earth. It sounds cool, but I think it is sacrilegious in a way.
Very wise in preserving the honor of Tolkien, old friend. However, I just wrote that for the Indy-Tolkien hopefuls out there, not that they should be cast down or anything. It's still nice to imagine.