Posted by The Northlander from on August 16, 1998 at 23:06:12:
In Reply to: Re: No Indy II? posted by Elendil on August 16, 1998 at 15:00:44:
: : Me thinks maybe ToD should have been shelved or ditched in favor of a lighter (mood) script. Not that it wasn't good, mind you. It could have been replaced with something better, though. Say, Atlantis, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Shroud of Turin. Only me thoughts.
: Temple was a very cool film, and I think it is refreshing to be able to watch a departure from the Nazis and desert locales. I would like Indy IV to be similar to Temple in that it takes Indy into new territory. The darkness of the movie doesn't affect me, it just makes the lighter parts stand out more.
Raiders and Crusade are very similar in many ways, while Temple stands out as being wholly different. If Indy 4 is another film in the style of the first and third movies, then Temple will seem even more abandoned and out of place. It will seem like the odd film that doesn't fit. I'm not suggesting that Indy 4 should be like Temple, except to say that it should feature Indy in an all new environment, not at all like the desert/Christian artifact/Sallah/etc. mold of Raiders and Crusade. I think an Atlantis adventure would fit perfectly, or perhaps even something dealing with Excalibur or Merlin or something.