Got my WESTED...

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Posted by Shawnkara from on September 28, 2000 at 03:16:46:

I got my Raiders Wested on Tuesday. It only took four weeks. I found it odd that Peter himself will advise you never to store leather in plastic, yet ships the jacket wrapped in TWO plastic bags. It's not quite as light as everyone had led me to expect, but it's rather light compared to hide jackets that I've owned. Also, it didn't have that overpowering stench of new leather that I was told to expect; it was no worse than a jacket bought off the rack. I only have two gripes about the fit that the rest of you may want to consider when ordering. Appearantly, the British have no biceps. This is something that I know Patterson has expressed as well. Also the cuffs, rather accuate to the film or not, are a bit too baggy for my taste. Since D rings are constructed with a split I don't perceive a problem in replacing them with rectangular rings. The 'backward ziper' thing is annoying but I'll adapt. I always wondered what everyone meant by the seams not lining up; it's the shoulder seams. They don't line up with those of the sleeves but since both sides match I don't think it's any big deal. I had promised myself I would let it age on its own terms, but I just can't. Between the weight and the gloss of the lambskin it reminds me of a cheap, faux leather jacket. NOT TO SAY THAT IS; it is high quality, made from very fine leather and by highly skilled craftsmen. I only mean that in pristine condition it has that 'look'. The gussets might improve authenticity but their absence does not inhibit the jacket's performance. Unlike hide, skin has a great degree of elasticity so it provides plenty of freedom. The inside pocket is very deep, so the zipper would be a matter of personal taste I suppose. The front portion of the side strap is sewn directly into the handwarmer seam and pulls in a frightening way when the straps are snugged. I reccommend taking it to a tailor and having them cross stitch the strap to the body of the jacket, just behind the slit. I heard someone mention that the bi-swing 'balloons' out below the shoulders when worn, rather than laying flat. Check the movie, I believe Harrison's did this as well. Upon viewing the jacket in its pristine, undistressed finish I can certainly understand the reservations of Patterson and the guys regarding its authenticity. In my opinion it IS the same jacket worn by Harrison Ford, but in new condition the 'look' of Indy's jacket is lost in an increbibly deceptive way. I recognize this from the countless jackets I have made for 12" Indy figures. Even though my pattern is well adapted they just don't look at all like Indy's jacket until they're disstressed. I wore it hiknig today and beat the heck out of it, and it's already taking on a whole new personality than it had when I pulled it from the box. As I said, I understand completely now the reservations regarding this jacket as I hold it in my hands and watch Raiders yet again. But I still get angry when some people accuse Peter of selling an inferior product. It's a very fine jacket. Remember, Peter is only selling a jacket made from the original pattern and the same materials. And there is a Hell of a lot more to Indy's jacket than that. I think of it as a model kit; it's a fabulous, accurately rendered work of art in the raw stage. Detailing and authenticating are now my responsibility. If you're expecting to open the box and have Indy's jacket (minus the bullet hole, of course) come leaping out you then you'll be disappointed. If you're expecting a finely crafted, highly comfortable jacket that just needs a personality then you won't be sorry you spent the $300.00. On that note, some basic shipping FYI: Arrived in four weeks, Express mail. If you're not home the carrier will not deliver it, you'll have to pick it up. There was a $19.00 charge at the post office (customs?), which they forgot to charge me. It arrives in a brown box about the size of two shoe boxes, covered in more labels and tags than that baseball that Bugs Bunny threw around the world. I tried to make this review as objectionable as possilbe, I hope it's useful to all of you.
Shawnkara (aka

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