Posted by Indy Fan 0238230 +infinity from on October 10, 2000 at 19:18:03:
In Reply to: Re: Yes - no? A good debate: posted by Kent Allard on October 10, 2000 at 18:40:50:
I do agree with you on your points...
You'll never hear me say Ford is too old or might get too old. (unless body parts
fall of and such) Hollywood can work magic with makeup..
Did you all know that the guy who plays the old priest in exorcist
was really like 20 something? yeah, good make up even back then..
It can be reversed.
I also agree that if a good story/plot could develope, it'd be worth it...but let's think this over.
It's been over 10 years now since the last Indy film. Gee...we still
have Spielburg going strong..Lucas coming back w/ SW, and Ford still
making good movies... Hmm.. Sure their schedules conflict, but we all
know there has yet to be a good script they've settled with thus far.
If nobody can write a good story that they (the only three people in
the world who should have a say in what's good and what's not with Indy anyhow)
then who'se to say once their gone, that some budding director can jump in
and take over when the guys who created it have to wait decades for good
scripts to develop? hey, I love the films as much as the next guy, but one thing
I've learned working in film is you can never force art. And that's
what Indy art. Therefore, once the masterpiece dies..why not
let it be? We don't add to Mona Lisa or even films like Godfather,
why must we force Indy to be created beyond a part 4 (which is probably
the last one for the dynamic trio)
Indy Fan 32412338120 +889