Posted by ericao from on August 18, 1998 at 22:32:01:
Really, Indy IV seems to be one of the most interesting topics in this forum so I'll talk about it again if ya'll don't mind. Really, this whole Lord of the Rings/Indy cross-over thing is incredibly interesting, especially to someone who adores both. . .but it most likely wouldn't work in a movie. (I'd love to see a novel though, *ahem* Rob MacGregor)
What I would absolutely love to see in Indy IV is a quest for Atlantis or, as Northlander said, something about Merlin and/or Excalibur. And if the movie was about Atlantis, why not stray from the plot of the video game? After all, we already know how that ends. . . .and to put it mildly, I could have pulled a better ending outta my you know what. . . It would be nice to see Short Round again, but geez..isn't he in his late 20's now? His charm would, for the most part, be lost. . . so I'm thinking about a new side-kick. Or hell, just bring back dad, that couldn't hurt things. But please, for the love of God and your own body, I hope against hope, I wish against wish that Indy will not marry. You know he's a loner! I hope George and Steven know this too.
Oh yeah, if Sandra Bullock is in this movie I will refuse to see it on principle.