Posted by D.Borton from on October 11, 2000 at 17:42:14:
In Reply to: Nylon Whip? posted by Nelson on October 11, 2000 at 16:10:25:
: A question for any whip enthusiasts.
: I have an 8foot, 12 plait kangaroo hide whip from Mak Allen that I enjoy greatly, but I am now looking for something to use during the winter in the rain and on wet grass (It is beginning to rain a lot here in Oregon). Does anyone have experience with the nylon whips from Mark Allen, Colorado Sadlery or Lonetree Tack? Are they basicly the same whip? I would not expect the same feel or action as a plaited belly roo whip, but don't want to waste any money on something useless.
: Also, for anyone with more than one whip did you get a longer or shorter second whip, and what would you recomend? 6' or 12' or maybe the same length for some double whip action.
: Get cracking! Nelson
Basically the nylon whips are stiffer than a leather whip, however; they can be broken in over time. Compared to a good leather whip, nylon whips are more difficult to crack and are poorly suited for wrap work and their accuracy is questionable. On the plus side though, they are extremely durable, and are great for working in wet conditions, in fact they work better when they are soaking wet. I would not recommend them as a first whip, especially if you were trying to learn with it, However if they fit your criteria and working conditions they can be useful. I don’t really know if all three get there nylon whips from the same supplier.
I recommend an 8 ft bullwhip as being an all around good size to work with. The 6 ft and shorter are great, but they don’t give as much room for error. The long whips can make for some impressive work, but I really think the 8ft is the best over all bullwhip to get if you plan to keep your inventory small. Hope this helps