Posted by red four from on October 11, 2000 at 18:50:40:
In Reply to: Funny thing... posted by Patterson on October 11, 2000 at 18:35:07:
: : : A question for any whip enthusiasts.
: : : I have an 8foot, 12 plait kangaroo hide whip from Mak Allen that I enjoy greatly, but I am now looking for something to use during the winter in the rain and on wet grass (It is beginning to rain a lot here in Oregon). Does anyone have experience with the nylon whips from Mark Allen, Colorado Sadlery or Lonetree Tack? Are they basicly the same whip? I would not expect the same feel or action as a plaited belly roo whip, but don't want to waste any money on something useless.
: : : Also, for anyone with more than one whip did you get a longer or shorter second whip, and what would you recomend? 6' or 12' or maybe the same length for some double whip action.
: : : Get cracking! Nelson
: : Hi Nelson,
: : I can't speak as to the quality of the nylon whips, but for a second whip, I'd get another 8' or go to a 6' if you're looking to crack them at the same time. I have a 12' morgan and a 6' allen, and the allen is much easier to crack, and do tricks with. The 12' is just a little too long. I've tried cracking both of them at the same time, and the different sizes make it really difficult.
: : Hope this helps,
: : John D
: I had a 10 foot Allen and could not learn a lick with it. I picked up a Joe Strain 8 foot and viola! It was a piece of cake! And all of a sudden the 10 footer was easy as well. A case in point - start small (6-8 foot) and work your way up. Also - the 12 footers do seem a bit cumbersome. Maybe they're really just for wrapping? Or maybe I just need more pracice?!
: Cheers!
: Patterson
It is definitely easier to learn on a shorter whip. I can easily do 10 or 12 cracks in a row on the 6', on the 12' I'm limited to 2 or 3 (I can do the side throw to the forward to the reverse overhead, but thats about it for multiples on the 12'). With the 6' I can switch up the cracks a lot easier. It's more fun and more impressive to watch!
John D