Posted by Mithrandir from on August 20, 1998 at 16:23:37:
In Reply to: Top 5 (or ten) funniest scenes posted by Mike Kim on August 18, 1998 at 18:00:49:
: Hey guys...You know, amid all the action, adventure and drama within these three films, it does have a hearty share of humor...Here is my top ten list of funnies in Indy! I'm eager to hear your opinions!
: 10. Indy just shoots the sword dude in Raiders
: 9. Marriane slams the mirror into Indy.
: 8. Where Marianne kisses Salah goodbye and he starts singing!
: 7. The part where Willie is trying to get on the elephant-Those villagers looked so funny with their mouths dropped open and stuff!!
: 6. On the bridge-Shorty and Willies conversation: "He no nuts...He crazy!"
: 5. That whole scene where Shorty is escaping his chains and finding Indy.
: 4. Short Round falls through the bridge~not very funny ; )
: 3. All of the little exchanges between ol pops and Indi- I mean Junior (there all so funny and so many that i jumbled them into one)
: 2. In Bangkok palace where Shorty runs away from the dancers
: 1. The scene where Shorty and Indy are playing cards-HYSTERICAL
Here's my top ten list of action scenes, as follows:
10. Motorcycle chase in Last Crusade
9. Mine car chase in ToD
8. Club Kenobi fight scene in ToD
7. Airplane/car chase in Last Crusade
6. Opening scene from Raiders
5. Market scene from Raiders
4. "Free the children!" scene from ToD
3. Cross of Coronado scenes from Last Crusade
2. Tank battle in Last Crusade
1. Ark/Nazi escort in Raiders
Did I accidentally leave anything out? Feel free to amend my list; it is after all only my two cents.