Re: POLL: If Gore was President in 1936.....

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Posted by the Fiddler from on October 20, 2000 at 01:06:43:

In Reply to: POLL: If Gore was President in 1936..... posted by MK on October 20, 2000 at 00:32:08:

: If Gore were in office how would it have effected Indy? (This is in fun, so don't any of you Democrates send me hate mail)

: 1) Indy may have been a victom of "Pro Choice" and never born.

: 2) He would not have been allowed to have a handgun. "Excuse me Mr. Nazi while I make a phone call" :-)

: 3)Big Al might have sold arms to the Germans in a secret deal.

: 4)hmmm..... the goverment did take all his earnings at the end of Raider's. Were those Feds Democrates?

: 5) America would not have been allowed to drill for oil and he is dead set against the gas engine, so no planes or trucks.

: 6) The leather jacket and whip could be an animal rights issue.

7) Gore would have claimed (at different appearances) that his father died in the civil war while fighting for the North... and the South.

8) Indy mighta followed his "no camels" plea to Sala, with something like "besides the pres. wouldn't like us 'urging' them to move faster anyway."

9) If Indy's adventures were ever brought up in a political debate, big Al would have replied with something like: "I personaly accompanied Dr. Jones on his trip to China... er... India. *clears throat* India by way of Shang Hi."


It's all in good fun, please don't be too offended.

: OK, I am putting on my flack jacket now.... (grin)

Donning mine also, got any kind of bomb shelter we can take cover in?

--the Fidler

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