Posted by Professor Jones from on October 21, 2000 at 00:00:43:
Hi everyone,
If you're like me (and I suppose you are if you're reading this), you
might like to put your hands on a Smith & Wesson hand ejector, 2nd
model. Well, they are becoming more rare and expensive each day.
So I thought maybe someone makes a replica. Searching the web, I
came across IAR, Inc. They make replica, blank firing guns.
Unfortunately, they don't make the S&W. However, I contacted IAR, Inc.
through their website ( and asked
if they would consider making the S&W. I received a prompt reply
indicating the idea was being forwarded to their marketing dept. for
consideration (although it would be a year until anything could
possibly happen).
I am, however, encouraged they replied with "maybe." Perhaps we
could encourage them through a mail campaign of Indyfan requests.
If you think this might be worth the attempt, go to their site, scroll
to the bottom of their homepage and click on the "Contact IAR, Inc."
link (NOT the "Sales" link).
While owning the real thing would be great, I personally would rather
have a replica, blank firing gun than none at all.
Professor Jones