Re: I just have one thing to say.....

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Posted by Fedora from on October 21, 2000 at 14:35:18:

In Reply to: I just have one thing to say..... posted by DirtyFrank on October 21, 2000 at 11:07:23:

: You did fine work comparing the two hats, but I just have one question, Why? I can understand comparing a PB to an HJ (which I would love to see), or even a PB to a Miller (just to make me feel bad because I am a Miller owner). I also wouldn't mind seeing a Miller compared to a Disney. As I figure it the scale goes from best to worst HJ (only because they are the original), PB, Miller, Disney. In other words, I think you just compared a Jaguar to a Chevette (grin).--I'm just messing with you though man, great pics. -The one, the only, DirtyFrank

My heiarchy would be HJ, ( although I have never seen one in person) PB, Akubra Campdraft, Miller, Nostalgia, Stetson Temple,(but only for the TOD look). I am afraid I wouldn't even put the disney hat in this group, it afterall is a joke.I am sure there are more fedoras that would fit in here somewher, but I have never seen those particular hats in person. Regardds, Fedora

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