Posted by Indy Fan 038402384 from on October 21, 2000 at 23:04:15:
In Reply to: Wait a minute! posted by Richiana Jones on October 21, 2000 at 19:41:02:
I give ya credit for the contest (i do plan on writing some fan fiction here soon
although I'll probably send it into hollywood first...but it's still
a good contest..and your right..the prizes are good.)
Unfortunately for Indy sites, there really isn't that much more
you can do to make them original (and by original, I didn't mean games and such,
I meant hard core material...and well, it doesn't really exist right now in comparison
to say, star wars, jurassic park, etc.)(since two really good and informative
sites already exist.)
I didn't mean to sound as if I was bashing your site.