Posted by topmen from on October 23, 2000 at 20:17:04:
I was recently the high bidder on the three Indy movie vcd's (with subtitles). I went home at lunch to let my dogs out (it has been raining here)and the postman brought a delivery from Hong Kong -- my movies. I have not had a chance to watch all three, or even very much of Raiders, because I back to work (and I am still here), but here are my initial observations.
First, I have just a regular run of the mill RCA dvd player. I was just hoping that my dvd player would read a vcd. I had no idea, but my dvd player is also a vcd player! The front of the dvd player usually displays "dvd" in red lights while a dvd is playing. With the vcd, it displayed "vcd" in red lights where dvd is usually displayed. Here I was hoping I could fool my dvd into playing a vcd, but as it turns out, RCA designed it to read and display vcd's.
The picture quality is not as good as a regular dvd, but as good as the video a purchased this summer and better than the four other older copies I have played to death (but just can't seem to throw away). The display is widescreen and you do not miss a thing.
The subtitles are below the picture and are not distracting -- yet. As I mentioned, I just got a taste of the beginning of Raiders and as we all know, before Indy says "This is it" there is not much to translate. It would be simple to put a piece of black construction paper under the movie to black out the subtitles. With the lights off, I doubt that it would even be noticeable. At this point anyway, I would not discourage anyone from buying these because they are subtitled.
Finally, the sound is wonderful. Although not thx or 5.1 surround, it is digital and sounds and much better than the tape I got this summer.
Overall initial assessment: I love it. But then again, I love all things Indy. It is, however, no substitute for a dvd release. However, until Lucas Arts answers our prayers, I'll be watching the vcds, not my tapes (but I still don't think I'll throw the tapes away).