Posted by Indy Fan 02384023 +23422 from on October 23, 2000 at 23:43:43:
This has been posted a billion times by now, but it's fun to explore
(as long as people have purposeful replies)
What do you want to see in the next Indy film?
I've seen lots of people wanting to see a Fate of Atlantis film, or even an Infernal Machine.
Some even want Indy to have a son.
Some want Marion back. Most want Dr. Henry Jones Sr. back.
What type of chase sequence would you like to see this time around?
What about death traps? Another bully to fight (mechanic, rock crusher guy, etc.)
Let's explore this...get our minds back on Indy once more. And let's try to keep lame responses like (matrix action sequence starring Jackie Chan and Oliva Newton John) to a minimum. I know there are
some intelligent Indy fans out there)