Posted by Ulla from on October 29, 2000 at 15:45:42:
On Saturday I went to an adults only party put on by some of my Father's friends. However, I begged so much that the hosts soon let me in. (I can see why it was adults only...there were so many "spirits" in the room-- and not just the forces inside the Ark!) It was so amazing! There was a full-size replica of the German pland in LC before it goes down in a flurry of feathers. Outside the house there were several plastic skeletons with weaponry shoved in their limbs. But INSIDE.....Moving along a corridor with bugs on the walls, the real party was in full swing. On the walls, painted glyphs of the ancients adorned the crumbling surfaces. In the middle, there was an IDOL. When you tried to lift it up, a mechanism made two columns not unlike Stonehenge shake and a strobe light went off. AMAZING!
As I've already told numerous friends, a tall man dressed like Indy (but wearing tan COUROROY pants and with a BLACK whip and with that whip on his RIGHT side *tsk tsk*:-) entered carrying a gilded box that contained beer and with a clever title: "The Ark with a Keg-in-it"!!
It was the best party I will ever have. I wore my fedora and leather Indy jacket with a very nice silver dress....*smirks* As my father and I were chatting to the Indy (named Paul and with a face like Brenden Frasier's [sp?]) and his friend Dave (who was shocked when I recognized him to be RENE' Belloq;-), they were surprised at my age. *laughs* I wonder what Indy would really think of me: a mature gal far from being crazed by the Backstreet Boys or N'Synck.
*sighs* My hero.........;-)
This concludes my report. Happy Halloween everybody!