Posted by Satch from on October 29, 2000 at 16:47:26:
i purchased some lexol a couple of weeks back and i discovered something that might help someone out. when you're applying the conditioner, don't worry about wiping it with a clean cloth, just work it in. i thought it would work like the kiwi leather lotion i got for my doc martens, which you have to rub in for a shine. there is a very soft spot on my member's only bomber that was the first to crack after about four years. i applied the lexol and then wiped it with a cloth like it says, and it only made the cracks worse because of the friction. the leather should absorb the lexol if you spread it out. here's my question: what is the main ingredient in lexol? is it lanolin? some sort of wax? i'm curious. also, dr Marten's make something they call wonder balm or something that is for their shoes, and it contains lanolin, coconut oil, and other neat stuff. someone might want to try it out.