Posted by Fedora from on October 31, 2000 at 12:55:03:
In Reply to: You're not Liberal, just 10 years old.... posted by Joe D. on October 31, 2000 at 03:33:05:
: Fedora,
: I can say that you have an absolute view of this matter and can't see any side but your own. It's lawmakers and politcal players that share beliefs such as yourself that make the lives of law enforcement and people like me so hard. Because you believe your opinion of things to be the truth. Anything else is just false.
: Most of the time I'm cursing law enforcement for giving me tickets for going 5 mph over the speed limit. Yet I temper that attitude with respect for the hard and thankless work they do. Everyone is motivated differently. Those motivated to chose law enforcement are no more maniacle than doctors are greedy for money or wealth. Some are, and some just want to truly help people. I use myself as an example. I don't own a gun, am not a member of the NRA, or military book club, don't read Soldier of Fortune, don't particularly like useless displays of testosterone and prefer a weekend camping or riding over a drunken binge and womanizing. Yet I've been a Navy pilot for over ten years! Fit this square peg in a round hole.
: You making that remark about law enforcement is like soldiers, sailors and airman stating that anyone who doesn't join the military is an unpatriotic and communist slimball. How far from the truth is that? That is how far your remark lands as well. Just like everything in life, there are good apples and bad in law enforcement. I for one would have loved to be in law enforcement. My motivation? To do something about, and don't laugh, all those litter bugs that toss trash out their windows. I hate people that use the world as their trash can. Don't even get me on the traffic thing either. I bet you'll just think that my speaking up for cops is just proof in the pudding for you since I'm in just a commando wannabe in the military. Right?
: : ...and with the help of the draft we won the last 2 world wars. Face it, "something" always motivates each person to choose his or her profession. I have a suspicion that folks that want to be cops, shouldn't be, period. Afterall, what sane person would want to put their life on the line, if there wasn't some other motive. And if cops were drafted, we would get a more normal cross section of people, and not just the ones that get off on the power trip inherit in the job. Our police force is just a bunch of commando wannabes, and I wish they would just enlist in the military, and retire there. I would bet that if we did draft regular civilians to police our communities, this country would be a hell of alot better off. My friend, we are moving closer and closer to a police force that resembles more of a military outfit than peace officers. And that scares the hell out of me! Liberal? I am far from that. I believe that we are giving away our constitutional rights in huge chunks, and each time police officers are given new powers by our supreme court, our personal freedom is diminished. Now throw the human equation into this, and you have a recipe for corruption, and abuses that defy common sensibilities. Power corrupts, and that is the honest truth, or a fact, if truth offends you. Draft cops for say 4 years, with no reenlistment, and you would see the corruption go down drastically. Regards, Fedora