Posted by Hazelton from on November 02, 2000 at 04:03:11:
In Reply to: Still not convinced..... posted by Leslie on November 01, 2000 at 23:04:57:
I freeze-framed the shots (no pun intended) of the gun in the scenes aboard the Bantu Wind. There is one where Indy pulls the slide back a little to check the chamber, but as I recall, Marion is in focus during this shot, so it's ambiguous. Later, Indy comes down a passageway toward the camera and leans up against the hallway wall. This shot, though brief, is in clearer focus. The gun is definitely a Browning HiPower. I compared the image to my HiPower and my 1911A1 while the frame was on the screen and the pistols were in my hands. If you look closely you can see the lack of a grip safety, and the diminutive thumb safety above the left grip. The proportions of the frame, trigger guard, slide and "beavertail" below and behind the hammer all speak to this gun being a HiPower.