Posted by New Jersey Hughes from on November 03, 2000 at 11:29:26:
In Reply to: He don't care..i dont' care posted by Indy Fan 02380432 on November 02, 2000 at 22:09:13:
: All fans ask for is to be appreciated. Chicago
: But they appreciate there fans and because of that, they sell out
: seats. Lucas...well...If he keeps up this tiresome crap-a-thon called
: the 'first trilogy of star wars' and not giving fans something
: to cheer about...the lines will start to form at the Battle Field Eart
: sequal....(yeah, that's scary.)
It's hard to 'appreciate a fan' when the kindest thing they can come up with is phrases like 'tiresome crap-a-thon'. If you'd like to be a fan who is appreciated, perhaps you could try to not be so antagonistsic towards the folks you purport to be a 'fan' of, in the first place.
: Here let me break it down Barney style for ya..... You claim to be
: an artist...let's say you make something really great...and
: make millions and millions and millions off of it. and then make
: another and another in a series of art...and make more money.
: Then when your fans say "hey, can you release that art in a frame
: for us to hang on our walls?" (not to cheat you..but because
: they liked it so much, they want the best version) and you ignore them, raise your nose,
: and walk into the sunset because you feel your better than them?, don't owe
: them anything? or feel they owe you something? You actually
: think that's okay? Lucas does....and that's my point.
If you can show me an example of Lucas' 'fans' actually being polite enough to word things in the form of a polite question, then, yes, I'll glady accede you your point. But they DON'T. When your so-called fans phrase their requests with 'You suck!' 'Where's the damn DVDs?' 'You lost your talent!' 'Give it up to someone who cares!!, then I don't care WHO you are, you don't feel obligated to anyone for anything. You're manipulating the situation again, incorrectly portraying the majority Lucasfans as pleasant, genteel folk who approach their indifferent master, hat-in-hand with pleasent requests. It's very easy to paint the situation in that light to reitirate your point, but it's simply not true. The majority if fans who have brought up the subject of Lucasfilm home video releases have only used spite and bile to make their point. And unless you can prove to me that you personally know Lucas, please don't attempt to know why he does ANYTHING, right or wrong, simply because you don't care for how it looks from where we sit up here in the cheap seats.
: And to top that off...I'm not exactly sure why you even care to try to understand my point of view.
Well, I was trying to be decent, and give you some basic human courtesy, as this is (usually) an intelligent forum. But as all I'm getting from you in return are personal attacks and sarcasm, 'Barney', then I'm staring to realize that any forum courtesy on my part is very much wasted on you. Sir.
: My real point? You seem to praise a man who made a 'movie' and owe him the "world." To me..that's strong.
: I owe my world to our founding fathers, men from wars, and explorers to the west....but hell,
: I guess a 'movie' can take the place of that. Hell, most people
: probably spend more time in a movie line than voting booth anyhow.
: Perhaps a difference of opinion, but I think perspective seems to be
: the main difference.
Again, you put words in my mouth in (what appears to be) an attempt to switch the point of the discussion. First off, I wasn't so much praising a moviemaker, as I was defending a guy against some of the ingrates that pass themselves off as his fans. Also, turning a special event in my developmental years into a purly facile moment compared to history's true achievers is a cheap ploy on your part to weaken my argument against yours. It is not a matter of perspective, simply because YOU decided to twist the meaning of my words and make it one. Trying to win an argument by attempting to discredit the person you are having a friendly disagreement with is a very sophmoric tactic, in my opinion, and leads me to believe that one does it because he has nothing else up his sleeve (i.e., his argument doesn't hold up, so he goes after the arguer). I now feel my attempt to discuss curious matters with you can come to no constructive conclusion.
Regardless, we are off the point of the forum. Sir, we must agree to disagree. It was interesting chatting with you.