Posted by Micah from on November 03, 2000 at 13:16:57:
In Reply to: Indy IV to film in 2002 for release in 2003? thats what USA Today says posted by Jones on November 03, 2000 at 11:08:49:
: Hi all,
: been awhile since I posted but i thought I'd pass this tidbit along,
: USA Today online lifes section (, and then click on life) has a series of questions about celebs and in one of them is a question about sequels. Indy IV is mentioned and apparently is being prepped to shoot in 2002 for a 2003 release. TheRaider.Net is reporting the same thing,
This is just a retelling of the Variety article from June 22, 2000 linked below. It is not news in the 'new' sense as it is nearly five months old. Plus the exact phrasing is: Spielberg, Lucas and Ford are in the process of drafting "Sixth Sense" writer-director M.
Night Shyamalan to write an "Indiana Jones" script that they hope to shoot in 2002.
Notice "hope to" instead of "scheduled to"...