Posted by Elendil from on August 26, 1998 at 17:43:08:
In Reply to: Re: Wha? posted by Mithrandir on August 23, 1998 at 19:46:02:
: : : : : : : I was just wondering after being involved with this forum for some months now, how old all of the regulars in this forum are. I am 17 so I am probably one of the youngest. How old is everybody else?
: : : : : : : Matt Walker
: : : : : : I am, by far, the youngest. I'm 13 and a freshman in High School
: : : : : Aha, then myself am the oldest by far. I am Gandalf, wizard of Three Ages. In Earth years, I am of fifteen years of age, 6'1, 180 lbs. and I appear as a senior, even though I am a rookie sophomore. Thou art 12, Elendil? Zounds, I have been parrying with a mere wisp of a lad. But thou art mighty in thine own environment, correct? For thou art Elendil, King of Numenor.
: : : :
: : : : Huh? No offense, but what the hell did you just say? I'm confused. I haven'th a clueth to whatith youith justith saidith.
: : : : Indy
: : : None taken, Jones. It was poor Middle English mixed with modern English. Translation: I am the oldest, then. My name is Gandalf, and I have lived for three ages (in Middle-Earth time [ever read Lord of the Rings (trilogy)? Good books]). In real life, I am fifteen, 6'1, 180 lbs., and just started my sophomore year in HS. I can't believe Elendil is twelve, because if you read some of our past posts, we tend to good-naturedly get on each others nerves, but we're cool with that. I have been fooling around with a young boy/girl. But you yourself have great power, correct? For you are Elendil, King of Numenor. Translation ended. Clear everything up? See ya, Jones, Elendil.
: : Yes, I am young. No, I am not 12. I am 13. I'm turning 14 in less than a month. I may be young but I am mature. So there!! 8-P RAZZZZZZ!!!!
: My turn to say,"What the hell did you just say?". What is "8-P RAZZZZZZ!!!!"? A symbol of maturity, mayhaps? I, too, am mature, and personally think I have more clarity of thought than some of the people I know (not including you or Indiana Jones or anyone else out there who has a clean mouth and level head).
The left-over guys from the ELDER Days (emphasis on Elder) get so out of touch. Look at 8-P sideways with 8 at the top. Those are eyes. - is a nose, and P is a mouth with tongue stuck out. RAZZZZZZZ is the sound made when you stick out your tongue and buzz your lips. Happy I could help. By the way, do Istari qualify for Medicare? I figured you would know. <<8-|#####> (Portrait of the GREY [emphasis on grey] Pilgrim) I wonder what Tolkien would have thought of our little good-natured insults. Hmmmm.