Posted by Michaelson from on November 12, 2000 at 12:56:00:
In Reply to: Re: This forum sure has gone downhill (nm) posted by Indiana Jas on November 12, 2000 at 08:32:55:
: : nm
: I agree. Between the unwanted and often unintelligible political discourse and the Enquirer-esque discussions of Harrison Fords sex life, I'm not enjoying the forum much right now. Perhaps it's time to pop Raider's in the VCR and remind myself what the real topic of dicussion is supposed to be here. the "Welcome" at the very top of this page. Gear items, and (though I agree with you about all the "Enquire" news stuff) all Indy related topics are fair game. I have no interest what- so- ever in the game discussions as that's not my particular interest in the hobby, but they have as much right to be here as the gear stuff. Start a new string (as I see you did) and let her fly. Personally I've thought the forum has been moving along pretty well lately, so we have opposing views. That's what a REAL forum is all about, and this is one of the very few on the internet that I've seen work. Once again, Well done Micah! Regards. Michaelson