Posted by Donovan from on November 13, 2000 at 17:12:43:
In Reply to: That would be cool! posted by graml on November 13, 2000 at 16:25:57:
The thing is that Harrison Ford is a VERY bankable star and Indiana Jones is a household name, it would take major work to mess up the marketability of this franchise. All it would take is announcing a game release for PSX, puting it on hold, puting it on hold some more, releasing a lackluster PC version, cancelling the PSX version, and then releasing what is probably going to be one of the best games for the N64 (based on all the advance press...) through the LucasArts website ONLY.
I mean, basically it's not that IJ isn't marketable, it's that the LucasArts people can't market. And SW isn't a good example of how they can since that sells itself.
Can I tell you I was looking through a Playstation magazine and there was a 2 page ad from LucasArts - 1 page for SW:Demolition and the other page for a game (SW:Jedi Power Battles) they have coming out for Dreamcast which already came out for PSX 4 months ago!. No wonder they can't afford to market Indy...
: I pre-ordered Infernal Machine, although I'd rather buy it on my own schedule, rather than on the one forced on me by Lucasarts. And I was a huge fan of the Dark Horse Indy comics; the Fate of Atlantis series was great. I'd love to see an Infernal Machine version, but that doesn't strike me as likely anymore. Someone at Lucasfilm seems to have this crazy idea that Indiana Jones isn't a marketable franchise.
: -graml