Posted by Fall Guy from on November 23, 2000 at 17:31:12:
In Reply to: German posted by J.C. on November 23, 2000 at 16:25:09:
"Guten Tag. Müde? Warum schläfst du? Wo ist dein Hemd? Wasch dich mal, damit du nicht aussiehst wie ein Schwein bei deinem Standgericht! Steh auf!"
In English:
"Good day. Tired? Why are you napping? Where is your shirt? Wash yourself, so that you don't smell like a pig at your court-martial! Get up!"
As for the scene from LC, we have chewed over that just a short while ago... ;)
: I basically figured the german in Raiders was telling Indy to get his act together he looked like a soldier that was drunk and untidy but personally I've wondered what the German in Last Crusade says in the Tank...right be fore his head gets hit by the periscope...