Posted by Fedora from on November 23, 2000 at 19:40:53:
In Reply to: Fedora crown height deduced from ribbon width- ILLUSTRATED posted by 3k$ on November 23, 2000 at 18:10:47:
: In this Raiders freeze-frame, the ribbon width on this 19 inch TV screen is 39mm- the original width. So it's easy just to measure the crown height. I believe the brown fedora crown height is a few mm higher, probably due to a different bash, but I believe it's basically the same hat and ribbon- this black on grey example is just clearer than the brown fedora. I also think there is a couple of mm of crown below the ribbon, as seen in the Amsel poster. This puts the crown height at the front of the hat at around 115mm or just over 4 1/2 inches.
Interesting. I once did my own analysis, using a photo and a caliper. I came up with the front pinch being around 4 3/4, and the overall height between 5 1/4 and 5 1/2. This was on the Raiders fedora. Using this same method, I came up with the TOD fedora weighing in at 4 3/8 and 5 respectively. Was it accurate? Who knows? Regards, Fedora