Posted by Humbuggery from on November 24, 2000 at 14:37:15:
Does anyone else agree with me that M. Night Shamalamadingdong SUCKS? Talk about a one-trick, overrated, self-indulgent "auteur" gasbag.
The "Sixth Sense" was less provocative and interesting than an over-long tired old hour "Twilight Zone" episode, and it didn't even have any of the wit of Rod Serling standing there with his smoke.
I'll say it again: "The Sixth Sense" was an overrated piece of crap, playing on yuppie guilt trips and reliant upon lowbrow "atmosphere" to cover up the absolute dearth of creativity.
Ooh, "I see dead people", ooh, "I see boring-ass piece of crap juvenile moviemaking attempting to be some insightful, evocative metaphysical entertainment."
It was a dull gimmicky flop, and anyone who couldn't guess the big "surprise ending" two minutes into the thing deserves to have Jar-Jar Binks camp and prance around in every damn overwrought bloated flick that George Lucas expects people to wallow around in.
Retire, George, and take Indy with you. Leave us the pre-bloat Raiders...