Posted by Indy Fan 038042 from on November 26, 2000 at 19:21:56:
In Reply to: It's also a matter of opinion posted by JuggleEwok on November 26, 2000 at 16:54:45:
I don't mind the 'Kent Allerds fight with ovarian gum disease" posts,
as much. It's how the forum post..and it adds to the top.
More posts add to top...then eventually the post that comes out and
says "What's your favorite quote from Indy" topic that usually draws
a crowd comes gets burried rather quickly and dies.
Most forums these days have a system where once a topic is replied to
it moves to the top so as you drop down the list, those on top have
the most interest. You sometimes have discussions going on for weeks.
Here the most is maybe 5 days because it disappears down the screen and
people either miss it..or just don't care to look for it